Beginner Guitar Lessons

Our collection of free guitar lessons for beginners are designed to teach you how to play acoustic or electric guitar by covering the absolute basics up through playing chords and songs. You’ll learn about parts of the guitar, scales, right and left hand form, chord progressions, strumming patterns, and more.  Relax, have fun, and start learning how to play guitar.

Featured Lesson

How to Play Guitar is a free video lesson by Peter Vogl that will provide a brief overview of the absolute essentials you need to know to start playing guitar. For each topic, we have a more in-depth free lesson on the subject where you can work on proper technique. This lesson will give you a starting point during your first week of playing guitar. You’ll learn how the guitar is tuned, what to do with your right and left hands, how to read tab and chord diagrams, and how to play a beginner scale and strum an easy guitar chord.

Beginner Finger Position for Guitar

Learn where and how to place your left hand fingers on the guitar neck.

How to Hold a Guitar Pick Lesson

Peter will show you how to hold a guitar pick and start working on your strumming motion.

Guitar Strumming Lesson for Beginners

Learn two beginner guitar chords & some basic strum patterns.

Additional Lessons

Go Premium and Get the Direction You Need!

Get started with a Free 7 Day Trial of our premium membership plan and access our 18 lesson beginner guitar course. This guided series of video lessons will teach you the same material you would learn during the first several months of private instruction. Peter Vogl will take you step by step through basics like playing chords, strum patterns, scales, and more. We will then move on to the techniques you will need to play a wide variety of songs. You’ll also learn the tips and tricks that separate a real guitarist from a beginner. Your membership also provides access to over 500 more exclusive lessons (full list) that will teach you how to be a great guitarist.